29 June 2012

Crispy Kale

I find this recipe very useful. I know kale is REALLY good for me, and I find it frequently in my farm share at this time of year. To tell you the truth, however, I have a little trouble forcing myself to eat much of it. It’s just a bit too bitter, a bit too … kale-y.

Roasting it with olive oil and salt (I love salt) tones down the flavor a bit and makes it fun to eat.

The recipe (or a variant of it) was given to me several years ago by Margaret Fitzpatrick. Margaret lives in my hometown of Hawley, Massachusetts, and has owned a number of restaurants in our area over the years.

Margaret calls the dish “Kale Chips,” and I can see why; the pieces of kale are small and have a definite potato-chip-like crunch. I like the alliteration of “Crispy Kale,” however.

The best way to eat this dish, by the way, is with your fingers……

The Kale


1 medium bunch kale
1-1/2 tablespoons olive oil
salt to taste (maybe start with 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon and sprinkle on a bit more at the end if it’s needed; I tend to over salt things so I’m wary here)


Preheat the oven to 275 degrees. Wash and dry the kale thoroughly; then take out the ribs, and tear the leaves into pieces. (I aim for about 3 pieces per half leaf.)

In a bowl combine the oil and the salt. Toss the kale pieces in this mixture.

Place the lightly oiled kale pieces in a single layer on a baking sheet (or two if necessary).

Bake until the kale gets dark and crispy (about 20 minutes), turning the kale pieces after 10 minutes.

Serves 4.

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