22 June 2010

For Rhubarb Lovers ONLY: Grilled Rhubarb

I know I don’t usually publish posts two days in a row. I do realize, dear readers, that you have OTHER THINGS TO DO than read about my cooking.

I’m running out of time to celebrate everything I need to by July 4, however, so I’m afraid I’m back today with another rhubarb recipe.

Actually, I was a little hesitant to try this one. It involves … grilling.

I’m not generally a sexist, but there are certain things I’d just rather have men do. Change batteries on high smoke alarms (thank you, David!). Fasten the hose to the faucet outside so the water doesn’t gush out (thank you, Dennis!). GRILL.

Last night was hot, however, and no men were in sight. So I pulled out the grill and the charcoal and eventually got a fire going. My mother, Truffle, and I enjoyed a marinated flank steak.

And … grilled rhubarb!

Ann Brauer, a talented quilt artist in Shelburne Falls, Massachusetts, suggested I try tossing my favorite stalk on the grill.

I was skeptical. I have been known to lose pieces of chicken through the slots of the grill. I had a feeling I would end up with more rhubarb in the fire than on top of it.

Ann told me that she had grilled her rhubarb on foil, however, which made the project much more doable.

The grilling is a teensy bit tricky anyway. As I state in the recipe below, one wants the rhubarb to become slightly soft but not mushy. The photo at the bottom of this post actually depicts my first batch, which was slightly underdone; you can still see sugar adhering to the stalks. By the time we finished the final batch we were so hungry we ate the darn things without photographing them, however.

Warning: I know I’ve said that several of my rhubarb recipes will appeal to people who are not rhubarb fans.

This is NOT one of those recipes. If you are a lover of rhubarb, however, you will be enamored of the contrast between the light sugary crust and the deep, tart, rhubarby inside of the grilled stalks.

My mother and I were very, very happy. Truffle even ate a couple of pieces. (She’s a dog with excellent taste.)

Grilled Rhubarb

I apologize for the vague proportions in this recipe! My mother and I ate about 4 pieces of rhubarb each, but people with bigger appetites would probably eat many more. So I leave the decisions to you…….


rhubarb to taste–washed, trimmed, and cut into 3-inch pieces
sugar as needed


Rinse the rhubarb pieces well and barely drain them. Leave a little water adhering to them so that the sugar will stick to them.

Pour sugar into a flat bowl, and roll the pieces of rhubarb in it.

Grill on foil over a not-too-hot grill, turning from time to time, until the sugar melts and the rhubarb starts to soften but doesn’t completely lose its texture. On my grill this took about 15 minutes, but I am NOT a reliable griller. Keep an eye on your rhubarb and pay no attention to me!

Remove and serve.

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  1. fyi--I happen to love rhubarb and last year I tried roasting it--Wow! what a simple way to prepare rhubarb and it's delicious.

    Waving 'hi' to an MHC alum. Me, too! :-)

  2. Carole---ROASTED rhubarb? Details, please! And welcome, sister Mount Holyoke alum!

  3. I love your rhubarb recipes! I'm too lazy to go and find the details of this one - but I know you will be able to reproduce it ...... you need rectangles of puff pastry, put two or three pieces of rhubarb in the middle, sprinkle with brown sugar and bake till the pastry is cooked.

  4. Oh, wow, Frayed. You girls are killing me here with the recipe ideas. Just when I thought rhubarb was over for the season......

  5. Tinky, I can't believe I've been away from the blog world for almost 3 weeks. It doesn't seem like 3 weeks but whoosh! I love every recipe I've tried from your blog. Unfortunately, you can't get me to like Rhubard. I was born without the Rhubarb and Turnip gene, apparently. Any cherry recipes? There are some wonderful cherries in the market right now, but they'll be gone any day.

  6. I'm tryin' it!!! Thanks.

  7. I know you’ll like it, Jack. Grad, alas, I’m afraid cherries will have to wait until NEXT year. Ours are about to go by, too. I’ve experimented a little but not yet come up with a recipe I love.

  8. Cathy Cosby24 June, 2010

    We tried the grilled rhubarb Tuesday night – loved it!!! Easy and quick to make too. I thought next time I would cut the rhubarb into bite size pieces. I lined a grilling basket with foil and sprinkled the sugar on the rhubarb – wanted the extra carmelization! And next time – to be really decadent – thought I could top off the grilled rhubarb with some homemade whipped cream!!!

  9. Oh, Cathy-GREAT IDEAS! Can't wait to try them.
