26 March 2010

Cooking with Love (Again)

The secret of good cooking is to cook with love—or so my mother taught me when I was a little girl. We should love the creative act of cooking. We should love and respect the ingredients we use. And we should love those for whom we cook.

Most of the time all this love comes naturally to me. If I didn’t find the act of cooking fulfilling, I wouldn’t be a food writer. I enjoy watching different foods ebb and flow in farm stands and grocery stores as the seasons shift. And I get great satisfaction from cooking for, and eating with, my family and friends. Food is part of our communal life.

Last week, however, was NOT my most loving time in the kitchen. We’ve all had so-called bad hair days. I had a bad food week.

It took me a while to realize what the problem was. All I knew was that just about everything I made (including recipes I was testing for publication) turned out somewhere between barely adequate and (shudder!) pretty awful. Usually, the range is from tasty to fabulous.

Friday afternoon I suddenly observed that the joy had gone out of my kitchen. I was viewing cooking as a task instead of a pleasure.

The problem wasn’t with cooking, of course. It was with me. I think my frazzled state might have been induced in part by the time of year. We have more sunshine now than we did in February—and the air is definitely warmer. Nevertheless, spring hasn’t quite hit the ground running yet. And summer seems a long way off.

To tackle the problem I turned off the stove and the computer and made myself a list. (I love lists!) The list was a bit of a hodgepodge because it had a dual purpose: to make me feel better in general and to help me return to work and cooking with a more cheerful and loving heart.

Here is my list. Obviously, this list won’t work for everyone. It might inspire others, however.

1. Take the dog (or the child or the cat or the ferret or whatever you have) for a long walk. Even on rainy days at this time of year one can smell spring in the air! And it’s good to get the body exercising as well as the brain.

2. Do something to cheer up someone else. When I got back from the walk I took my mother for a drive (she’s not in shape yet to go walking with Truffle and me). Making her happy made me happier.

3. Listen to–or better yet make!–some music. It’s the food of love, so it’s bound to help restore the love of food.

4. Buy hair dye. (I told you the list was idiosyncratic.) When I was 26 I suddenly noticed a gray patch in my bangs, a patch that has only gotten larger and more obvious with the passage of time. The woman who cuts my hair may say it’s distinguished to have a highlight in the front of my hairdo as much as she likes. We all know “distinguished” is a code word for “old.”

5. Simplify tasks. I knew I had to return to the kitchen. So I vowed that my next few recipes would be easy ones that took advantage of ingredients I already had in the house or could get very easily. Making cooking easy was the first step toward making it a joyful and loving experience again.

I may not be ready to make a soufflé or a cassoulet at this point, but I’m back to cooking with enthusiasm and making meals that I and others can enjoy. Here is one of the simple recipes that helped me get there.

It’s perfect for this time of year since we’re still in maple month…… Remember, spring is a time of renewal!

Maple Candied Sausage

This three-ingredient appetizer recipe comes from a delightful cookbook titled Fry Bacon. Add Onions: The Valentine Family & Friends Cookbook. A new edition of this book by Kathleen Valentine of Gloucester has just been published by the Parlez-Moi Press.

I enjoy the way Kathleen weaves reminiscences, photos of family and friends, and recipes into an attractive volume that shares her family’s life and many of its loves. She comes of Pennsylvania Dutch stock so the book features many of my favorite sweet-and-sour combinations.

Tammy Hicks of Charlemont, Massachusetts, gave me a similar recipe last year using grape jelly and barbecue sauce. Sweet and saucy, both recipes make excellent finger food (toothpick food, actually) for large parties.

I know there are those of you out there who will find this overly sweet—but kids and old folks love it! Serve it with a little sauerkraut to offset the sugar. (Kathleen’s book offers a number of recipes from which you can choose.)


1 pound smoked sausage, cut into 1/2-inch pieces
1/3 cup brown sugar
2-1/2 tablespoons maple syrup


Brown the sausage pieces lightly in a frying pan. Transfer them to a 1-1/2 quart saucepan, and stir in the brown sugar and maple syrup. Bring to a boil over medium-high heat, stirring constantly; then reduce the heat and simmer, covered, for 1 hour, stirring from time to time. Serves 8 as an appetizer.

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  1. Sweet and honest entry, just like the recipe! xoj

  2. Another fine post, Tink. Have you heard of the new book THE CHECKLIST MANIFESTO? In a way, making a list is like making your own recipe (for clarity, maybe, or for GETTING THROUGH THE DAY). This book started out about hospital procedures, but I guess (not having read it) that it goes far beyond that.

  3. Thanks so much, Janice; you make me feel warm inside--like hot maple syrup! And Jack, I LOVE the list/recipe comparison; no wonder I like to make lists. I'll definitely look for that book......

  4. I think the last post said it all. It's time for another book, Tinky. Maybe Wisdom from My Grandmother's Kitchen...?

  5. MMMMMM Maple syrup makes anything better..... stop over and get my Maple Syrup Scone recipe.......easy and worth it.. make it for the gang tomorrow morning... lovely hot scones ...straight out of the oven?...huh...huh?? ya know ya want to..... hahahhah.......

    Oh, boy...now I have to go make some. But...I also have strawberries hanging around today...so strawberry scones it is....

  6. You're right about lists. Lists give me a feeling of accomplishment. There! It's all down. I've completed something! Checking things off the list is even greater.

    Getting out of the house is the best cure for my frustrations and boredom. A walk, a coffee at the local cafe, a browse at the mall. Or a change in routine. Sometimes I'll prepare tea for Joe and myself using our best china, doilies and cloth napkins. In warm weather I'll serve it on the porch; in cold weather I'll light a fire in the fireplace and serve it in the living room.

    And of course, a batch of chocolate chip cookies cheers up everyone.

    My best to you.

  7. Thanks for the nice words, Tinky. I hope you enjoyed the sausage. It is a great treat for special occasions. Of course, most of the recipes in my book aren't nearly as extravagant - but we used maple syrup a lot as a sweetener.

    Love your blog!

  8. Hi Tinky,

    Thanks for this -- I sent it to my French Canadian, who loves all things maple and sausage! Looks great!

  9. I don't have a dog, so I take my camera for a walk! I hope I always make my husband and son happy! And .... I was at the hairdressers' yesterday for my regular appointment to maintain my stunning blond looks!!! Not too bad a list ....

  10. I enjoyed very much starting my day today with this blog entry! Food for the soul!

  11. Loved the list. Not yet spring may be worse than February. However, the daffodils appeared overnight in our yard. Forsythia is gorgeous and hope springs eternal.

  12. Elizabeth, you flatter me, but I love it. BumbleVee, would you please bring me some of those scones? Adelaide, I love the tea idea and will have to try it next time I need a pick me up. Kathleen, I'm looking forward to trying more recipes from your book. Mary, one of my best maple recipes comes from a Canadian friend! Frayed, I'm sure your blonde looks are indeed stunning. Alice, I thank you for the kind words. And Carole, HOORAY for daffodils--and hope!

  13. Sausage is not on my new diet -- BUT the first cheat day I have, guess what I am gonna try!
