09 October 2009

Tinky's Cider Butternut Soup

My laptop is still suffering–but I am attempting a post because I have NEWS!

I, Tinky Weisblat, will be one of the featured Western Massachusetts artisans on Monday's episode of the television program Making It Here.

The segment will focus on my work as a food writer and will depict the creation of my soon-to-be-world-famous Cider Butternut Soup.

Local viewers take note: The episode will air this coming Monday, October 12, at 7:30 pm on Channel 57 (WGBY-TV) in Springfield, Massachusetts. Those of you who watch, please be kind. I know I need a face lift! Look at the soup instead of at me.

Of course, all of you may try the soup! Here’s the recipe………..


2 to 3 tablespoons butter
1-1/2 large onions, coarsely chopped
2 cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
2 medium apples (fairly solid ones for cooking; I used Ginger Gold), cored and chopped but not necessarily peeled
3 cups roasted butternut squash puree (for roasting instructions, see my post about the Blue Heron Restaurant, which has another great butternut recipe!)
1-1/2 tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon (at least) freshly grated nutmeg
1/2 teaspoon cayenne pepper
3/4 teaspoon salt
lots of freshly ground pepper
6 cups chicken or vegetable stock
2 cups hard cider (I used West County Cider McIntosh, a sweet and fruity cider)
2 cups heavy cream (I used Mapleline)
toasted pecans or croutons for garnish (optional)


In a 4-quart Dutch oven melt the butter. When it begins to talk to you, sauté the onions and garlic until they are soft (about 5 minutes).

Add the apple pieces, and sauté until they are moistened, about 2 minutes.

Stir in the squash, followed by the honey, nutmeg, cayenne, salt, and pepper. Stir for a minute or two (taking care to keep the mixture from burning); then stir in the stock.

Bring the soup to a boil. Cover it about 7/8 of the way, and turn it down. Simmer for 30 to 40 minutes, until it tastes souplike.

Remove the soup from the heat, and puree it. I used my immersion blender for this (which worked as long as I kept it immersed; when I accidentally lifted it I think I got a little soup on the TV camera!). You may also use a blender or food processor, but be very careful to process this hot soup in batches.

In a nonstick frying pan over medium-high heat reduce the cider in half. (This takes only a few minutes.)

Add the cream and reduce in half again, whisking (again quite a short process).

You then have a choice. You may either stir the cider/cream reduction into the soup and serve it or put the reduction into a pitcher and let your guests drizzle it into the soup at the table.

Garnish with toasted nuts or croutons. Serves 6.

Two quick notes: First, thanks to those who emailed me or commented to note that I FORGOT TO PUT THE BUTTERNUT SQUASH IN THE LIST OF INGREDIENTS! A girl with a sick laptop is a girl on the edge, and I appreciated the reminders.

Second, those of you who live in the Pioneer Valley and aren't quite ready to make the transition to fall vegetables will be happy to read the comment below from Nikki Ciesluk, who reports that her family's lovely farmstand in Deerfield still has corn!

Happy Columbus Day weekend, all………


  1. Originally posted on 10/9/09

    CONGRATULATIONS, Tinky! This is very exciting news indeed! I’m glad they are featuring the soup recipe – not only does it sound fantastic, in my humble opinion this recipe reflects the aura of New England this time of year.

    Just one quick question – how much squash did you use?


  2. Nikki Ciesluk04 November, 2011

    Originally posted on 10/9/09

    Please let people know that we will have corn until at least next weekend, and yes, IT IS STILL SUPER GREAT!

    Nikki Ciesluk
    Ciesluk Farm Stand

    Ciesluk Farm Stand

  3. Originally posted on 10/9/09

    Tinky- I used to watch this program all the time…Making It Here.

    Congratulations!!! How wonderfully exciting.

  4. Originally posted on 10/9/09

    I told you!!

  5. Faith M. Paul04 November, 2011

    Originally posted on 10/9/09

    Fame! At last! And so well deserved…

  6. Originally posted on 10/10/09

    Congratulations, Tinky! Very exciting news! That soup looks delicious. I doubt if we can view the show here so looking forward to the link!

  7. Originally posted on 10/10/09

    I cant wait to see this on Monday.. !!!!
