10 August 2009

Hooray for Hollywood!

This post doesn’t come with a recipe–but it does relate to food.

My neighbor Alice Parker and I will provide a little dinner cabaret next Thursday, August 20, on the patio at Chandler’s Restaurant at Yankee Candle Company in South Deerfield, Massachusetts.

Alice will be playing a borrowed keyboard–and I will be singing–from 6 to 9 pm as part of the restaurant’s 14 Years/14 Dollars anniversary celebration. Diners will get an informal barbecue supper and a chance to hear us perform for $14.

(Of course, people will probably want something to sip on and maybe a bite of dessert so the tab may come to a little more than that, but the evening is still a pretty good deal.)

Our show is titled HOORAY FOR HOLLYWOOD: SONGS FROM THE SILVER SCREEN’S GOLDEN AGE. We haven’t finalized the program yet. After all, we wouldn’t want to lose our freshness! I do know it will include a little Gershwin; a little Irving Berlin; and several songs with lyrics by the wonderful Johnny Mercer, whose 100th birthday is coming up.

If you’re nearby, please join us and sing along. If not, belt out a few tunes as you fix your own dinner that evening.

For reservations call 413-665-1277.


  1. Nice to see you are still having time to be a chanteuse.

    Have a great evening!

  2. Don't worry, Tinky. I will post this to Twitter right away. Awesome!! I hope you will tape it. I know! Put at least part of it on YouTube. I will go see it and I'll bet LOTS of others will too.

  3. Great idea--for the NEXT time. My videographers are both going to be in other states! But there will be other gigs.

    Thanks for the encouragement........

  4. Love your Hollywood photo, perfect for Hawley’s most famous chanteuse. Would give the world (half of it, anyway) to attend your gig in South Deerfield. Say hey to Alice for me . . . and sing your heart out, child.


  5. We are so there!

  6. There in spirit...
